Saturday, July 11, 2015

An Inchstone post!

Hamming it up with Dad!
Sometimes in special needs parenting groups, inchstones are more often celebrated then milestones. If you aren't sure what milestones are, here is googles description: 
  1. Developmental milestones are behaviors or physical skills seen in infants and children as they grow and develop. Rolling over, crawling, walking, and talking are all considered milestones. The milestones are different for each age range.
I realized that although informational, some of the previous posts have been a little dreary... So for this post I thought that I would share with you some of Huxleys inchstones!

Inchstone #1/2/3! Lately Hux has been bringing his hands to his mouth more often and reaching towards the spoon when we feed him :) He's becoming more tolerable on his back, and this week he has rolled from back to front 5 times!

Here's inchstone #4, Huxley has a new chair that he is practicing sitting in daily. He's slowly getting more comfortable. This is huge.

 Inchstone #5! Look at how relaxed Huxleys hand is. Huxley 'fists' his hands a lot but more and more we've been able to see and feel his relaxed hands touching us. It's beautiful. 

Inchstone #6! Huxley graduated from Music/Occupational Therapy camp :) It was such a blast and Huxley learned a lot! Thanks so much to Victoria Conservatory for putting on this free camp for children with special needs. Huxley strummed guitars, played the drums, socialized with other kiddos, enjoyed the songs, and loved parachute play! In two weeks we will be attending Music/Speech therapy camp. We're excited <3 That's all for now folks! Thanks for all of your support xoxo


  1. I think we can all really relate and celebrate with you in Huxley's Inchstones. Inch by inch everything is a synch. I with you celebrate his beautiful little life. The love in his eyes could light the world.

  2. No one can ever really know the Herculian efforts done in such endearing silence by his long suffering and joy filled parents.
