Saturday, November 7, 2015

What happened in Spooktober??

October blew by. 

I'm heading into the final weeks of my breastfeeding educator course, tomorrow I will spend the whole day on the labour and delivery floor at the hospital to observe new mamas breastfeeding. I have several more observations to complete, a group project, and a final exam. Busy bee! 

In October I always try to do as many Halloween things as possible, it's a favourite holiday for me, it's right up there with Christmas. I had my fill of pumpkin beers, I carved pumpkins, got spooked at a haunted farm, and got to take Huxley out for his first trick or treating experience! 

Here's our little monkey and his treat pail :)
What's new with Mr. Huxley? 

  • Huxley has been having fun learning to maneuver his belly scooter and I was able to capture this awesome VIDEO of him roaming all over the kitchen! 
  • He loves knocking down block towers that we build, sometimes I can't build them fast enough haha
  • He is really interested in how something can go into something and you can also pull something back out! I stuff his bunny into a cup and he pulls it out, he has been practicing putting one stacking cup into another one. It's adorable how excited he gets about it :)

  • Here's Hux in his stander playing with cars! He loves cars, we have wind up ones that zip around really fast. He is reaching out purposefully so well for objects that he wants to play with. He's getting a bit locked up in his stander and other equipment right now so we might have to take a break. It's so interesting how one day he's totally fine doing a certain activity and then the next he has a full blown melt down. I have to remind myself that he is a toddler haha and that he is probably exhibiting typical toddler behaviour. 

  • Huxley loves sensory play, I did this 'mess free' sensory halloween craft with him! Look at the beautiful art he created by smooshing paint around on a saran wrapped surface 
  • This child loves swinging. Look at that pure joy. We have to buy him an indoor swing so he can feel this way everyday. 
  • Sitting in equipment such as his 'tomato chair' is not going very well right now, as I said things sometimes come and go and we haven't been able to take him in a car for probably six months so sometimes we feel a little 'trapped' at home but our therapists are all very sympathetic and they are trying their best to help us to help him feel comfy. 
When some everyday things like 'sitting' are hard for Huxley its easy to get swept into worry. All we can do is give him the tools necessary to succeed and fill him with lots of love. I'll be so consumed with worry and then he'll show us something amazing like hold 'four point' (all fours position) all by himself for several seconds. It happened the other day and it surprised me so much! His determination has always been inspiring. As always thanks for reading <3 <3 

We are looking forward to Christmas and we have an Anat Baniel Method instructor coming from the states (she used to live in Victoria) to work with Huxley and that is very exciting too! Click Anat Baniel Method for more info :) Stay tuned pals!