Saturday, April 8, 2017


This year for HIE (hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy) awareness month the theme is "This is what hope looks like." I'm completely in love with this theme because even though there are hardships along this journey, there is also love, joy, and so much HOPE! 

For me, hope doesn't look like holding out hope that Huxley will reach typical milestones though we never ever limit him. Hope to me is SO much more then that. Hope is living a full and joyful life, its about helping him achieve whatever his heart desires, and its about making sure that we stay true to our authentic selves along the way. 

To any of you fresh on your HIE journey.. 

I know that in the beginning it doesn't feel like there is any hope. I know that the journey feels raw, rocky, and so very heavy. 

I am here to tell you that no matter what your child's outcome is, you can choose to accept this new path and move on to a life full of joy in watching your child experience life's moments both big and small. You can move on to a life that is very full and very special. Your child will teach you in ways that no one else ever could. Your heart will break but it will also be filled with a love so pure. 

You will survive this. There is always hope in the journey. 

Love from a mama on a road to spread hope <3