Friday, March 25, 2016

Cerebral Palsy Awareness day!

My motto for this life is 'one foot in front of the other.' I try to spend each day as it is and I try not to look too far into the future because the future is just a mystery. Cerebral palsy awareness day has me looking in all directions today, how far we've come, where we are today, and what we might face in the future. It is a day to help others to understand our little warrior and believe me you can't help but want to know him :)

Cerebral palsy is a movement disorder, it affects more people then you can imagine, and there is a wide range of outcomes along the spectrum. No two people with cerebral palsy are the same. 

This year I thought I'd write a letter to Huxley. 

Dear Huxley, 

                     You are amazing. You love animals, cars, puzzles, paw patrol, chocolate, and painting. (Just to name a few things). We go for walks everyday and even though you are carried I know that if you could run you would. Some days we go to the park so you can swing because it is something that makes you smile so big I think your face might crack :)

Your little arms and legs move differently then others but you always find ways to do anything you want to do. Your strength and determination are inspiring but your pure joy for life is what fills my heart everyday. Something really exciting happened in these last few weeks, you started taking independent steps in your gait trainer. One of your new favourite games is to chase the dog, Keenan is pleased as punch :) 

You can see in Brianna's face the sheer excitement we feel to see you cruising around, each new piece of independence you find seems to open up your little world just a little bit more. You are unstoppable my boy, you make us all better people for knowing you and sharing in your journey. 

Cerebral palsy is just a small part of you, and you are showing us everyday how incredibly smart you are. You talk so much in your own way (daddy and I know exactly what you're saying) but the world needs to know that you know everything they are saying to you. Just like any other child your age you are soaking in information like a sponge and boy do you love to learn! 

I'm looking to the future today, but only to be excited for every new thing that I know you are going to show us. 

I love you forever and always. You are my superhero. 

-Love your mama <3


  1. My world is enlarged every time I visit the sacrifices that you make without ever even knowing and never in my presence complaining one word. Such love you have always had my little one and joy you have given your husband and challenged son. Anything can happen and some things just do. I am grateful for your family three and Huxley exactly as he is so full of love and joy. GRANDPA TOM

  2. My world is enlarged every time I visit the sacrifices that you make without ever even knowing and never in my presence complaining one word. Such love you have always had my little one and joy you have given your husband and challenged son. Anything can happen and some things just do. I am grateful for your family three and Huxley exactly as he is so full of love and joy. GRANDPA TOM
