Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Therapist roll call

We have many appointments and many therapists in our little circle of support. I thought that I'd share with you all what that looks like. 

Just before we left the NICU, we were asked if we wanted to join Queen Alexandra's early intervention program. We had no idea what it all entailed but were encouraged to say yes. I now know how important early intervention is and I would encourage any family in similar circumstances to do the same. Our first visit with our early intervention therapists was when Hux was twelve weeks old. Since then we have had appointments almost weekly for his first year of life.

Huxleys therapists: 
  • Infant Development Specialist
Once a month we see an infant development specialist who knows where NT (neuro typical) children should be on the typical milestone scale. We know that Huxley is following his own scale but their job is to provide a baseline and to offer suggestions on how to help Huxley achieve typical advancements. Lately she has been encouraging us to teach Huxley sign language and to build sensory boards for him to explore.
  • Physiotherapist
We see physio every two weeks. She helps us help Huxley achieve basic motor functioning. She also keeps her eye on Huxleys range of motion to make sure he doesn't get locked up anywhere. Huxley desperately wants to crawl, he's getting so strong and crawls if you help support his weight so that is pretty neat. Huxley also has very high tone when he's upset or excited and our physio has been so helpful to teach us how to break up that pattern of tone..which is something I'll talk more in depth about later.

       ● Occupational therapist

Huxley didn't start seeing an OT until he was 9 months or so. We see her once every few months. Usually one would be involved around six months if there was feeding concerns but luckily we have been okay on that department. We've been taking it slow with food, mostly purees still but starting to fork mash and he was just gobbling up goldfish crackers on his birthday :) Our OT will also help us with sensory concerns as they come up. Hux is pretty sensitive to sound, that's the only sensory concern we have so far. 

        ● Chiropractor 

Hux goes to a chiropractor every two weeks to have spinal adjustments and lately reflex locomotion therapy.  Since we started taking him his head control has gotten really strong and he really tries to propel himself forward when on his tummy. It's pretty neat!

         ● OT specializing in seating

Huxley is unable to sit supported or unsupported so seating has become a strong focus since he's getting big and carrying him everywhere is getting really hard.  We took him to Queen Alexandra to a special seating clinic and now they are designing a seat for Huxley.

Huxley is also monitored by a pediatrician that we see every three months and a neurologist that we see twice a year. 

This summer we have an opthamologist appointment, a hearing test, in the fall we'll be starting up with speech therapy, and we have a referral to see an osteopath to check Huxleys hips. 

I feel so lucky that we live in this part of the world, particularly after having Huxley. Our QA therapists come to our home which is so very convenient.  We feel very supported when it comes to therapists that are helping us help Huxley. Every day is therapy with our little man but we try to make it fun too and he's come so far already. 

Thanks for reading about this little snap shot of our lives. More to come!  
